Spending more but getting less? In recruitment, data is your saviour

We were recently asked by the British Franchise Association for our main tip for their subscribers with regards to recruitment strategy for the year ahead – our main advice: Follow the data…!
In the world of recruitment, more spend does not always lead to more success – but it can quickly lead to more anxiety! Like everything in life, pressure comes from not knowing. Why is it not working? What else can I do? Decisions are much easier when we have supporting information to hand. However, with over 20 years in recruitment, I’ve found that data you can trust is in short supply.
But times are changing – A.I. technology is allowing us to replace manual, often inaccurate attempts at gathering information with reliable insight across the recruitment journey, enabling us to categorically identify what sources are providing the best candidates, leading to confident, data led decisions on where to allocate spend.
My core strategy advice for any business during these competitive times for talent acquisition, is not to spend more until you know what effect that will have. We’re always more comfortable making a decision if we have information we can trust – and that’s what TalentTrack can offer.
We have numerous case studies of how data has enabled our clients to make smart changes to their recruitment strategy, leading to big changes in their business. I hope they can helps with your planning for the year ahead.
Mark Taylor, CEO, Automated Analytics