
Stop draining resources and guessing why people call

Analyse 100% of your call in a flash with our Call360 solution!

Analyse 10,000 of your calls in 0.2 seconds through the power of AI.

From intelligent automation that accelerates reporting and analytics, our Call360 solution is designed to make your call centre successful through improved performance.

AI Powered Speech Analytics

Call360 records, transcribes and categorises every customer call. Telling you where your calls came from and also what happened on them - did you drive a sale, a customer service enquiry, complaint or a booking?

Analyse 100% of your calls within a flash

With our Call360 solution, you can discover exactly why people call and audit 100% of conversations in a flash – eradicating slow, human-error-prone, mundane manual reporting.

Easy to integrate with your phone system

Our Call360 solution is middleware for your phone supplier, making it easy to integrate.

Seamless integrations with third party platforms

Our Call360 solution can integrate with almost every phone system you could have.

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Explore the latest trends, tips, and insights in our world. Get the knowledge to empower your business growth and increase productivity.



Automated Analytics and Lord Ranger of Northwood have issued an urgent call for the government to clarify its approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation. As the global AI sector experiences an unprecedented surge in investment, industry leaders warn that ongoing policy ambiguity risks stalling innovation and pushing developers and investors to more structured markets overseas. […]

Ed Milliband attends Code of Practice Launch

Ed Milliband attends Code of Practice Launch

Yesterday, Ed Milliband Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change attended the launch of our Introduction to Codes of Practice for Artificial Intelligence at the Houses of Parliament. Joining Sally Jameson, MP for Doncaster Central and Lee Pitcher MP for Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme, it was a strong demonstration of support […]

Government unveils plan to boost trust in AI

Government unveils plan to boost trust in AI

Peter Kyle, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology has launched new support for businesses to help develop and use trustworthy AI products and services. Using AI is central to the government’s plans for reforming the country’s public services and wider economy, going hand in hand with ensuring public trust in the innovations which […]

Automated Analytics Podcast

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Increase productivity, reduce costs and grow profitability. Implement Automated Analytics, the global leaders in AI business data analytics.