
Source-to-Hire Analytics

Transparent source-to-hire analytics

We give you conversion data that no one else does, so you can analyse and action automatically to improve candidate volumes and hire ratios.

No more manual reporting & spreadsheets

Spending hours generating spreadsheets of data, not knowing if it’s accurate? TalentTrack automatically produced analysis and reporting for you, giving you real-time analysis of your candidate attraction strategy.

Transparent source reporting for every candidate

By tracking the source of every application, right through to hire, you’ll be able to analyse the sources of your best hires and optimise your talent acquisition campaign to deliver more, based on real data.


Track each candidate from source to hire in real time

Bridge the data gap and get real-time actionable insights automatically, saving you time and increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Seamless Integrations with third party platforms

We integrate with your CRM to provide you with critical insight and business performance metrics that you need.

Stay up to date on our journey

Explore the latest trends, tips, and insights in our world. Get the knowledge to empower your business growth and increase productivity.

Our CEO reflects on a week in Washington

Our CEO reflects on a week in Washington

Last week a delegation from the UK and US travelled to Washington to attend the inauguration of the 47th President and Vice President of the United States of America, and champion the UK’s AI sector and Doncaster as a Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence. Mark Taylor, Founder and CEO reflects on the trip: “As […]

Automated Analytics represents UK AI sector and Doncaster in Washington DC

Automated Analytics represents UK AI sector and Doncaster in Washington DC

A delegation from Automated Analytics are in Washington DC for the inauguration of the 47th President and Vice President of the United States of America, with the business sponsors of the Republication inauguration party ‘Stars and Strips and the Union Jack’ on Friday 17th January. Founder and CEO Mark Taylor comments on the significance of […]

Our CEO reacts to the AI Opportunities Action Plan

Our CEO reacts to the AI Opportunities Action Plan

Our CEO Mark Taylor gave reaction to media today on the government’s AI Opportunities Action Plan which aims to ramp up AI adoption in the UK. In summary: – At a time when the national economy is grappling with challenging economic headwinds, the AI Opportunities Action Plan demonstrates Keir Starmer and this government’s steadfast commitment […]

Automated Analytics Podcast

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Increase productivity, reduce costs and grow profitability. Implement Automated Analytics, the global leaders in AI business data analytics.

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